God of Creativity

  Thought I'd leave you in the dark for a fourth week? Nah, I am not that awful at blogging. Life had gotten busy and then my computer was acting strange. I wanted to share my life with as if late, but I am drawing a blank so let me just share my thoughts on creativity in your intimacy with the Lord. So I've actually wanted to write about this for a while now, but since I haven't blogged in ages it ended up in my journal, but today I get to share it with you!
   God is not in a box, he does not only work one way, but in an infinite amount of ways because he is an infinite God (Psalm 147:5). As I started to brainstorm about this topic I began to think of the story of the woman who wipes Jesus' feet with her hair (Luke 7:36-50). Even if I was there in that moment, I would've thought it was weird even if it was Jesus, because I don't know anybody who does that. But to Jesus none of that mattered, what mattered was the intimate moment the woman had with him. The woman didn't start to anoint his feet and clean them with her hair because that is how everyone else did it, but because that is how the spirit was moving her, that was how she felt she could fully honor and love him. That action was new, it was incredibly special, and it was so genuine.
These photos are all from a very late night trip to the Griffith Observatory, I hope you enjoy them as much as I loved going there!

  These thoughts on creativity were first prompted because as of late I've been looking up different worship music on soundcloud (yes, I know, very hipster of me). To me the music that I found has a much different sound than conventional Christian music I am used to, yet it still inspires me, it still moves me, and it still makes me fall in love with God, just in a different sounding way. Without a thought we as humans have our own personal definitions for everything that even overpower the true definition of the word. For the word Christianity I used to think of white people, with partially perfect lives, singing contemporary rock worship songs in a big church. If that was the true definition then I, a Mexican-American who disfavors most contemporary rock worship songs and attends a pretty small church would not qualify as a Christian.

    I think my first realization of my predefined outlook happened when I was in The Kingdom Ministry class at Cause Con. The teachers began to choose people the spirit was moving them to pick to be examples for how to pray over someone. Their first choice was this sweet-looking, petite, white girl, and my bitter mind unknowingly scoffed in no surprise, but as their second example they chose me. Like I stated before, I did not fit my personal definition of a Christian, but the teachers believed that the Holy Spirit moved them to choose me. When it was my turn and one of the teachers prayed over me I felt God truly like I had never felt him before and I then knew it was no mistake that I was supposed to be there. I didn't fit the box I thought I needed be in, God was calling me, loving me, pulling to greatness where I was, how I was. As I write this I am listening to a recording of a spontaneous worship song where most of the song the singer and the women in the crowd are shouting to the Lord in joy from their spirits. It was not a song that was written by professional songwriters and then produced in a studio, it is a natural song that came deep from within their souls. No one shout was the same, but it was all worshiping the same God and moved by the same spirit.

   I did not say all this to discourage you if you are white and/or love christian rock music I just wanted to state that God is calling us to love him in all kinds of different and crazy ways. Do not be afraid to pray aloud, or lie on the floor during worship, or paint something inspired by God, or create a new sound for worship music, just as long as it is intimate with the Lord. I pray that the Lord inspires you this week to seek and honor him in new ways. I pray that man's opinion and the enemies lies are reflected off of you in this time of creativity. And I thank you, Lord, for wanting to take us deeper into you and giving us all of you every single day. Have a lovely week and know that you are loved!


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