The L.A. Chronicles

Hello internet scouts!!! I apologize for my infrequent blogging, I am currently at the end of my Spring Break and I've been way busy (I apologize in advance for bragging about the fun things I've done if you've been at home doing nothing). You would think I would blog more but I just become really lazy and I don't even feel like reading Sailor Moon (by the way I'm still on the third book). So a few weeks ago I went to LA to spend the weekend at my Nana's house with my bestest cousin. This trip has gone down in history as one of THE best LA trips ever. You are now probably thinking "What did she do that was so amazing?" The best answer would be "WHAT DIDN'T I DO?" or I went to Little Tokyo, ate at the farmer's market in Santa Monica, then down to the park/beach, and finally rode the train back home. Now let's begin this visual diary!!!
 First stop: Little Tokyo. It looked so bright at 10:00 at night.
 The revolving sushi bar we went to.
My favorite Thai tea boba ever at the best crepe café.

 Second Stop: The farmer's market in Santa Monica.

 All the veggies were so yummy looking.

 My cousin and I split a delicious omelet with homemade potato chips for breakfast.
 Some tasty lemon grass lemonade.
 Me looking fabulous.
Third Stop: The daisies at the beach park were so cute I couldn't resist....
 ....Making a flower crown!
 Shirt: Hot Topic; Skirt: gifted/thrifted; Boots: Doc Martens; Sunglasses: Kate Spade; Backpack: Fjallraven
 A cute little restaurant on the street in Santa Monica.
A pre- train trip pop up. My favorite thing about this pop up is that is its name, Reckless Rainbow.
Last Stop: Me looking even cooler on a train.

 I hope you all enjoyed my visual diary from my trip to LA. If you are currently on your Spring Break enjoy! If you haven't had yours yet, just hang on! You can make it through a few more weeks of school! Until next time scouts!


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