Adolescence At Its Best

Hello scouts! I apologize again for not posting last week for not posting my two posts I promised. I feel that I apologize frequently for my sporadic disappearances and I can (and will) blame that on the evil institution I am forced to go to everyday, or as some like to call it school. Why do I have such great animosity towards school you may ask. Well, I took the AP Language exam today and feel poop-like and I most likely failed it, but its okay because I still have everything and everyone else in my life that hasn't failed me. Since we are now on the topic of my wonderful life let me tell you about my recent outgoings. At this time I feel that there is not much that is very exciting in my life except for eating McDonald's (my love) and going thrifting at my new favorite dirt-cheap thrift shop near my house after school today with my lovely sister and mom. Much of what I've been doing lately has been studying for AP (30%), thrifting (20%), and watching Crossing Jordan on Netflix (50%). Considering my second and final AP test is on Wednesday I should really be studying more. In other academic news I figured out what I want to do in life! Job wise at least. With this new discovery I can now find specific schools to apply to (woop! woop!)! I shall have to start my search for schools (which should've began ages ago) this summer (which is in 12 days!!!!) because I will officially be a senior. It is a little scary, but I'm interested in what God has planned for me in this new transition. This summer I plan to hold on to what little adolescence I have left and just do tons of funs things. My outfit today is from awhile ago, but looks like a fun summer day that includes fish tacos and a 99 Cent Store outing. Here we goooooooo!
Drinking some very tasty horchata. Yum!
 My hair was on point that day
  I stumbled into some pink lighting.
 Now I'm normal! Not really, but you know what I mean.
Dress: Vintage from Memo's Vintage; Shoes: JC Penny; Jacket: Hand-me-down; Me: God (ahaha, it was going to come eventually)
 One of my favorite aisles in the store. 
I hoped you enjoyed this post as much as I did! Please pray that I do well on my AP US history exam on Wednesday because I do not think I can remember everything on my own and I'll do the same for you! Have a lovely, sparkly, and safe weekend! Make good choices! I'm going to stop before I start sounding like your parents even more. Until next time scouts!


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