I'm back for my second post! Woop! Woop! Today I will be my first outfit post! Before you see a picture of me I would like to state that I am not a Hipster, I just ended up looking this way on accident before I even knew what a Hipster was. Okay, now that has been cleared up these photos were taken with one of my good friends from Lurking Cat by my other good friend. We took them before first period because my Spanish teacher was way late to class and my friend likes to take stalker-esque photos of outfits she likes. On another note, I just came back from a movie in the park with A Beautiful Little Fool and another friend ( I sound so popular with all these friends!) We watched Monsters Inc. and ate pizza, brownies, popcorn, and practically the world! Enough of my life! Let's get to the outfit. I called this post Consumerism because I'm wearing a Disneyland shirt and a McDonalds badge that I made in my Vintage Club( I'm president and co-founder.) And those two companies are the definition of consumerism, hence the name. Now to the photos!!!
That is me on the left and Josselyn on the right
Daisy Denim Jacket: Thrifted; Disney shirt: Thrifted; McDonalds badge: DIY'ed; Shorts: DIY'ed; Belt: JCPenney's; Tights: Stolen from my sister; Boots: Doc Martens
Josselyn being the cute cat she is.
Us. Being awkward. As always.
More awkwardness. Until next time!