I Think I've Turned Japanese

Hey scouts! I'm back once again, watching a Disney movie (Toy Story 3) once again! So today I'm going to be sharing my experience at Moshi Moshi Nippon. What's Moshi Moshi Nippon you ask? It's a Japanese pop culture festival that took place near Downtown Los Angeles on last Saturday and Sunday. Because of other things going on that weekend I only went for the later half of Saturday which was plenty of time because there wasn't really much to do. I tried not to discredit it as much as possible because it was their first year and I've never really been to an expo or convention thing before. Regardless it was a fun experience and excited to see what they do next year (if there is a next year). When I got there it was about 5:30 which is when the fashion show was supposed to start, but really it didn't start until 6:30. So while waiting for the fashion show I walked around and met Rin Rin Doll, a Lolita model! She was super nice and her outfit was so angelic! Then, I found the Aymmy and
 Batty Girls booth (my favorite Japanese model's clothing line) with the intention of buying something, but it was all so expensive so I just took pictures of everything. Finally, the fashion show started and all the clothes and models were so cute, but no one was clapping. It was kind of weird so my sister, aunt, cousin, and I were trying to get everyone to clap, but no one made any sound not even when Ayumi Seto came out, me on the other hand screamed when I first saw her.
Rin Rin Dollis technically the first famous person I've ever met so that is probably why I look like a major dork, or do I always look like this???
 Everything about Aymmy and the Batty Girls is so cute. And everything is so expensive I was contemplating on asking if I could just buy the shopping bag.
 I'm a sucker for a good Hawaiian print and their print on their summer collection in A+++
 Details from their skirts
 Now the fashion show!
 This model was way too cute and reminded me of my friend Julissa. Julissa, if you are reading this, she looks like the Asian version of you.

 This is where I yelled/peeped in excitement from seeing Ayumi Seto (how could you not that wink, so cute) as everyone else sat quietly.
 I know for a fact she was looking directly at me in this photo.

 After the show I saw these adorable girls who looked like they came straight from Harajuku, I cannot get over them they were so cool.
I don't even have words to describe this encounter. She is so adorable. I asked her a question, but her English isn't that good yet so she just said she liked the dots on my face and my sweater, I died. Sorry the photo is so blurry, for some reason they always scan like this.

It is now dinner time for me (pizza night!!), I must go before my cousin eats all the pizza. Have a sparkly weekend and stay safe!


  1. Your outfit is incredibly cute! All the models look so beautiful!


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